Clinics and Services

Clinics and Services

We provide a range of services and clinics

In order to help you access the correct services to avoid you wasting your time and help us better direct our resources, our reception team have been instructed to take some information regarding your problem. This will help them signpost you to the correct NHS service. For example, if you have hurt your ankle, it would be far more beneficial to you, to see the minor injuries clinic who can order an X-Ray and see the results then and there if indicated rather than seeing a GP who would need to refer you for an X-Ray, then await the results before any action can be taken such as a walking boot or referral to the fracture clinic.

Children’s Services

We have a dedicated Children and Young person lead. Their role is to help children’s and families with accessing services, in particular assessments for neurodiversity (ADHD & Autism). They can help with completing the referral or signposting to other agencies that can help. Another aspect of this role is ensuring children get their recommended vaccinations in time.

Women’s Health

We have a dedicated GP who inserts and removes intrauterine devices (Mirena and copper coils) and removes and inserts contraceptive implants. If you feel this form of contraception would be helpful for you, please book a routine appointment with any clinician to discuss the risks and benefits and if you are suitable you will be added to our waiting list and called in for the procedure.

Mental Health

We have a dedicated mental health team at the practice. This is made up of a Mental Health Nurse, Mental Health ANP and a trainee Mental Health ANP. The team can help support you with your concerns. They can also help you to access other services such as therapy or psychiatry if appropriate.


We have a dedicated frailty team at the practice, who hold clinics on a Friday (Frailty Fridays). This team is made up of two GPs with an interest in medical care of the elderly, our clinical pharmacist, physician associate and mental health nurse and trainee ANP. The team are there to support patients with very complex health problems, this includes our patients who reside in a care home.

Long Term Conditions

We aim to review all long-term conditions in your birthday month. We hope this is easier for you to remember and to get your health fully reviewed in a timely fashion.

We will send you a booking link for the first part of this review to your mobile if you have one. If you do not have a mobile we will call you to book or send a letter.

We will invite you three times for this review. If you do not book or respond we will put a note on your record to that effect. Not attending your review may impact the supply of your medication (for example without certain blood tests some medications may not be safe, or supplied in small amounts e.g. 7 days at a time).

When your results are back from the laboratory our nursing team will review these and the information gathered at your part one appointment. If everything is stable, you will receive a text to let you know that and that we will see you again next year, or to contact us in the meantime if you have any concerns. Any medication may be reauthorised for a further year (some medications may require a separate review with pharmacist or GP). If there is anything the nursing team wish to discuss further regarding your information or results you will be sent a booking link so you can choose a further appointment. You may also be asked to book a medication review with our pharmacist or GP (this appointment may be made for you, especially if it is a phone call).

If you have asthma or COPD only then you will not require a part one appointment and will be sent a booking link to book straight into your main review appointment with the nursing team/physician associate.

For some reviews (specifically mental health  – dementia or serious mental illness, or learning disability reviews) you will not receive a booking link, rather our care coordination team will be in touch to arrange.


If you have Asthma you will be asked to attend for one face to face appointment with the nurse or physicians associate.

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Please book a face to face appointment with a Practice Pharmacist or Nurse specialising in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

person in pink long sleeve shirt holding white samsung android smartphone

Please ensure you bring an early morning urine sample to your part one appointment for this condition, this helps us check the health of your kidneys which can be impacted by the condition. It does not review potential infections. If you have concerns about a urine infection you should book and appointment with the medical team. 

Heart Failure

Please ensure you bring an early morning urine sample to your part one appointment for this condition, this helps us check the health of your kidneys which can be impacted by the condition. It does not review potential infections. If you have concerns about a urine infection you should book and appointment with the medical team. 


Please ensure you bring an early morning urine sample to your part one appointment for this condition, this helps us check the health of your kidneys which can be impacted by the condition. It does not review potential infections. If you have concerns about a urine infection you should book and appointment with the medical team. 

CVD (cardiovascular disease)

CKD (chronic kidney disease)

Please ensure you bring an early morning urine sample to your part one appointment for this condition, this helps us check the health of your kidneys which can be impacted by the condition. It does not review potential infections. If you have concerns about a urine infection you should book and appointment with the medical team. 

Muscle and Joint Problems

We aim to run one clinic a month offering steroid joint injections to help with chronic joint problems such as arthritis. In addition to this, if you call with a joint or muscle problem our reception team can direct you straight to a physiotherapist without having to go through the medical team.

NHS Health Checks

This is free NHS service for adults aged 40 – 74 years who do not have a long term condition. It aims to identify early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type two diabetes and dementia because as we get older our risk of developing one or more of these diseases increases. You can find more information here NHS Health Check – NHS (

If you are eligible for an NHS Health Check you will receive an invite to self book an appointment via text message.

Private Reports/Letters/Assessments

Private Fees (Non NHS work) – Information for patients and third parties

The Government’s contract with GPs covers medical services to NHS patients, including the provision of ongoing medical treatment. In recent years, however, more and more organisations have been involving doctors in a whole range of non-medical work. Sometimes the only reason that GPs are asked is because they are in a position of trust in the community, or because an insurance company or employer wants to ensure that information provided to them is true and accurate.

The BMA (British Medical Association) suggest fees for non-NHS work which is not covered under GP’s NHS contract, to help GPs set their own professional fees. However, the fees are guidelines only, not recommendations, and a doctor is not obliged to charge the rates suggested. The BMA recommends that GPs tell patients and third parties in advance if they will be charged, and how much. It is up to the individual doctor to decide how much to charge.

Do GPs have to do non-NHS work for their patients?

With certain limited exceptions for example, a GP confirming that one of their patients is not fit for jury service, GPs do not have to carry out non-NHS work on behalf of their patients.

Why does it sometimes take my GP a long time to complete my form?

Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of his or her patients.

Most GPs have a very heavy workload and paperwork takes up an increasing amount of their time, so many GPs find they have to complete this work outside of and in addition to their normal hours.

As a result, this additional work can take up to 50 working days to complete.

I only need the doctor’s signature – what is the problem?

When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true.

Therefore, in order to complete even the simplest of forms, the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the doctors’ regulatory body, the GMC (General Medical Council) or even the police.

Can my GP undertake a Capacity Assessment and / or authorise a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) application?

GPs are often asked to make Mental Capacity Assessments for patients. These assessments can be requested for a variety of different reasons. It is an essential part of a GPs role to perform capacity assessments which relate to decisions regarding medical investigations, treatment and care.

However, capacity assessments relating to overall welfare, finances and property are often more complex and sit outside of their expertise. Decisions such as whether someone’s house is sold or how their life savings are spent can depend on capacity assessments. It is therefore essential that adequate time and attention is dedicated to these assessments. It is also essential that those carrying out these assessments for legal purposes are highly trained and experienced in this area.

Due to the above and that these legal capacity assessments do not fall within the NHS duties of GPs, we are unable to undertake these capacity assessments at the Practice. However, there are other professionals who can perform mental capacity assessments including solicitors and psychiatrists.

I have been asked to obtain a letter for my DWP application, can this be completed by the practice?

Yes, all DWP applications can be managed via our third party provider IGPR please submit your application to the practice and our team will start the process. The practice is unable to write a letter on your behalf unless your application has gone to the appeal stage.

Can I submit a request on behalf of another patient?

Due to patient confidentiality, the practice is only able to discuss and action any request from either the patient, their parent / legal guardian or any person(s) with a legally valid Lasting Power of Attorney for Health & Welfare (LPA). Proof of any LPA will be required before any work is undertaken. This proof must either be from the original signed and court-stamped document or by allowing the practice access to your LPA entry on the Online LPA register.

Can I see the Health Records of somebody who has died?

The Access to Health Records Act, 1990 lays down strict guidance on what personal information can be provided to a third party regarding a deceased patient. More information can be found here:   Access to the health and care records of deceased people – NHS Transformation Directorate ( Our team will require the evidence to ensure we only provide access to those who are legally entitled to receive this.

What can I do to help?

Not all documents need a doctor’s signature, such as passport applications. You can ask another person in a position of trust to sign such documents free of charge. As a result, we are unable to process these applications, including passports.

If you have several forms requiring completion, present them all at once and ask our team if they are able to complete them at the same time. Please note, that an individual fee may still apply for each form, etc.

Do not expect your GP to process forms overnight: urgent requests may mean that a doctor has to make special arrangements to process the form quickly, and this may incur an additional fee. Please note, we may not always be able to expedite your form.

In addition, online access by a patient may be able to provide the information required to complete your request. This is a free service for all registered patients. For more information on online access, please see our Register for online services section. 


Type of Private WorkFee
Long/Complex Letter by Clinician£50
Miscellaneous Letter (eg To Whom It May Concern, housing, gym, certificate of fact, gender recognition)£15 – £35
Holiday Cancellation£45
Holiday Cancellation with Examination£80
Buss Pass Forms & Blue Card£25
Insurance Reports (life & medical)£100
Supplementary report£35
Insurance & application report (holiday & travel)£45
Private Prescription£15
Insurance Claim (Med3)£45
Insurance Claim (incapacity report)£135
Student Health Forms£40
DVLA Report from records£110
DVLA Examination£85
Any written detailed report (without examination)£135
Any written detailed report (with examination)£150
Firearms / Gun licensing£80
Private Healthcare – further info (eg BUPA)£60
Solicitors Reports (without examination)£100
Solicitors Reports (with examination)£130
Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) report£140
Legal Aid – Domestic AbuseNo Charge
End of LifeNo Charge
Short administrative letter e.g. confirmation of registered address, copies of results/consultations (or can use the NHS App for free).£5

We do not do: Fit to fly, LGV, PVG, Taxi Medicals, Fit to Sport, Council Tax, Ofsted Reports, Power of Attorney, Passports, Home Office letters, Citizenship cards/requests, Mental Health Act assessments, travel exemption letters/forms.